إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

مقاتل من الصحراء


  1. Regulations regarding the Jordanian Committee for Arabization, Translation and Publishing, No. 11, 1967

  2. Regulations regarding Private Educational Institutions, No.27, 1966

  3. Regulations regarding Adult Education and the Elimination of Illiteracy, No.120, 1965

  4. Regulations regarding Cultural Centers, No.28, 1966

  5. Regulations regarding the Jordanian Scientific Research Council, No.53, 1964

  6. Regulations regarding the Nationalization of Textbooks, No.4, 1956

  7. Regulations regarding the Education Tax, No.1, 1956

  8. Regulations regarding the Financing of Examinations and Certificates of High Schools and Secondary Education, No.39, 1967

  9. Order regarding the Education Law No.16 of 1964 ( Amendment No.2 ) ( Judea and Samaria ), No.1076, 1983

  10. Order regarding the Use of Textbooks ( Judea and Samaria ) ( Amendment ), No.183, 1967

  11. Regulations regarding General Examination Fees in the Teachers' Colleges, 1991

  12. Directives regarding Success, Completion and Failure in Schools, No.1, 1965

  13. Directives regarding General Matriculation Examinations, No.2, 1965

  14. Order regarding Education Tax ( Judea and Samaria ), No.501, 1972

  15. Civil Service Regulations, No.23, 1966, including Amendments Nos. 14, 28, 61and 92

  16. Regulations for Dispatch of Scientific Delegations, No. 115, 1966, including Amendments Nos. 16 and 43

  17. Regulations regarding Employee Pensions and Social Insurance, No.6, 1966, including Amendments Nos. 116 and 183

  18. Financial Regulations, No.1, 1951

  19. Requisition Regulations, No.87, 1965

  20. Regulations regarding Employees Commuting to and from Work, No.18, 1967, including Amendment No.73

  21. Regulations regarding the Provision of Honors for Employees, No.9, 1966.

  22. Regulations regarding Issuing Certificates and Diplomas, No.15, 1966

  23. Regulations regarding Graduation Examinations, No. 17, 1966, including Amendment No.71

  24. Regulations regarding Placement of Administrative employees, No.1, 1966
