إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

مقاتل من الصحراء



Annex II

Protocol Concerning Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities in the Sphere of Health

  1. The powers and responsibilities of the military government and its Civil Administration in the sphere of health will be transferred to and will be assumed by the Palestinian Authority.

  2. The sphere of health shall include all matters dealt with in the laws, regulations and military orders listed in Appendix A, including the responsibility over all health institutions, whether private, public, non - governmental or other.

  3. In exercising its security authority, the military government will do its utmost to respect the dignity of patients and medical staff and will act with a view to prevent any damage to medical installations or equipment.

  4. The transfer of powers and responsibilities to the Palestinian Authority shall not affect the authority of Israel and of the Israeli military government in the West Bank to exercise its powers and responsibilities in criminal matters, such as the performance of autopsies, the investigation of narcotic offenses, etc..

  5. The Palestinian Authority shall inform the Civil Administration in a routine manner of births or deaths occurring within the medical institutions under its responsibility.

  6. The Palestinian Authority shall apply the present standards of vaccination of Palestinians and shall improve them according to internationally - accepted standards in the field.

  7. The Palestinian Authority shall take necessary measures to ensure that the health institutions and medical staff under its responsibility inform the Civil Administration in the West Bank of any Israeli hospitalized in a Palestinian hospital upon his or her admission. Arrangements for moving such hospitalized Israelis shall be agreed upon.

  8. The Palestinian Authority shall take necessary measures to ensure that the health institutions and medical personnel under its responsibility inform the Israel Police in the West Bank of any person wounded by any kind of weapon or explosive who is treated or hospitalized in a Palestinian medical institution, upon his or her admission,