إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

مقاتل من الصحراء


  1. Order regarding the Pharmacologists' Bureau Law, No.10, 1957, (Amendment), No. 1053, 1983

  2. Internal Regulations of the Pharmacologists' Bureau, 1961, as amended 1980

  3. Order regarding Medical and Sanitation Professions (Licensing and Practice), No. 745, 1978

  4. Medical Association Law, No.14, 1954

  5. Dental Association Law, No.11, 1956

  6. Internal Regulations of the Dental Association, 1960

  7. Order regarding Health Services, No.746, 1978

  8. Order regarding Notification of Casualties, No.163, 1967

  9. Regulation regarding Health Services, 1978

  10. Notification regarding Health Services, Program of Health Services and Payment for Health Services, 1981

  11. Order regarding Dangerous Drugs, No.558, 1973

  12. Order regarding Cosmetics, No. 1103, 1983

  13. Regulations regarding Cosmetics (Fees), 1984
