إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

مقاتل من الصحراء


encourage tourism to the region for the benefit of both sides.

  1. Travel agents, tour companies, tour guides and other tourism businesses ( hereinafter " tourism entities " ) authorized by the Palestinian Authority will be allowed to conduct tours that include Israel, provided that their authorization as well as their operation is in accordance with rules, professional requirements and standards agreed upon in the subcommittee on tourism of the JEC.

  2. Pending that agreement, existing tourism entities in the West Bank that are currently allowed to conduct tours that include Israel, will be allowed to continue to do so.
  1. Tour buses or any other forms of tourist transport authorized by the Palestinian Authority, and operated by companies registered and licensed by it, will be allowed to enter and proceed on their tour in Israel if such buses or other vehicles conform with the standards currently in effect in the West Bank and provided that they conform with international standards that have been adopted. All such vehicles will be clearly marked as tourist vehicles.

  2. Tourism companies and agencies licensed by the Palestinian Authority shall enjoy equal access to tourism-related facilities and amenities in border points of exit and entry according to the regulations of the Israeli authorities.

  3. A joint committee will be established between Israel and the Palestinian Authority to facilitate coordination and cooperation on tourism issues, including the promotion of tourism.

Appendix A

Laws, Regulations and Military Orders in the Sphere of Tourism

  1. Temporary Tourism Law, No. 45, 1965, except for articles 2(4)E, 4 ( 1 ), 4 ( 5 ), 7 ( 2 ), 7 ( 3 ), 14 ( 3 )

article 2 ( 5 ) except for provisions regarding Tourism Regions

  1. Regulations regarding Equipment and Promotional Services and Constructive Activities of the Tourism Authority, No.44, 1966

  2. Financial Regulations of the Tourism Authority, No.45, 1966

  3. Tourism and Travel Agency Regulations, No.46, 1966

  4. Regulations regarding Commercial Oriental Souvenir Emporiums, No.47, 1966

  5. Regulations regarding Commercial Oriental Souvenir Emporiums, ( Amendment No.6 ) ( Judea and Samaria ), 1988

  6. Regulations regarding Tour Guides and their Supervision, No.48, 1966

  7. Regulations regarding Guest Houses and their Supervision, No.49, 1966

  8. Order regarding Temporary Law for Tourism, No.45, 1965 ( Judea and Samaria), No.917, 1981
