إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

مقاتل من الصحراء


the Civil Administration will cease to bear any financial responsibility regarding such acts or omissions and the Palestinian Authority will bear all financial responsibility for these and for its own functioning.

  1. Any financial claim made in this regard against Israel or the Civil Administration will be referred to the Palestinian Authority.

  2. Israel shall provide the Palestinian Authority with the information it has regarding pending and anticipated claims brought before any court or tribunal against Israel or the Civil Administration in this regard.

  3. Where legal proceedings are brought in respect of such a claim, Israel will notify the Palestinian Authority and enable it to participate in defending the claim and raise any arguments on its behalf

  4. In the event that an award is made against Israel or the Civil Administration by any court or tribunal in respect of such a claim, the Palestinian Authority shall, once the award has been paid by Israel, reimburse Israel the full amount of the award.

  5. Without prejudice to the above, where a court or tribunal hearing such a claim finds that liability rests solely with an employee or agent who acted beyond the scope of the powers assigned to him or her, unlawfully or with willful malfeasance, the Palestinian Authority shall not bear financial responsibility.

  6. Notwithstanding subparagraphs 1 .d through 1 .f above, Israel may, pursuant to agreement within the Legal Subcommittee of the CAC established under the Gaza-Jericho Agreement, request an Israeli court or tribunal to dismiss a claim brought before it and, with regard to a pending claim, dismiss the claim and transfer the proceedings to a local court or tribunal.

  7. Where a claim has been so transferred or where a new claim has been brought in a local court or tribunal subsequent to the dismissal of the claim pursuant to subparagraph 1 .g above, the Palestinian Authority shall defend it and, in accordance with subparagraph 1 a above, in the event that an award is made for the plaintiff, shall pay the amount of the award.

  8. The Legal Subcommittee referred to in subparagraph 1 .g above shall agree on arrangements for the transfer of proceedings from Israeli courts or tribunals pursuant to subparagraph 1 .g above and, where necessary, for the provision of legal assistance by Israel to the Palestinian Authority in defending such claims.

1. In accordance with paragraph 1 above:

  1. The Palestinian Authority may bring legal proceedings in respect of any acts or omissions relating to powers and responsibilities transferred under this Agreement which occurred prior to the date of the transfer. Israel shall provide the Palestinian Authority with the legal assistance necessary to bring such proceedings.

  2. The Palestinian Authority may collect any taxes due under Annexes V and VI on the date of the transfer of powers and responsibilities in respect of these taxes, and shall assume responsibility for the payment of any rebates or
